Industry & Transportation

Wireless optics without electromagnetic interference
for absolute safety

The advantages

Wireless without interference

Since the signal uses invisible light in the near infrared range, it isn’t subject to electromagnetic interference and isn’t impacted by the metallic masses often present in industrial environments.

Absolute security

Inherent security of light, the signal using invisible near infrared light. The absence of radio waves makes it undetectable, non-interferable and non-interceptable outside the factory as the optical signal doesn’t pass

through walls. A LiFi Manager software brick allows for log management, 802.1X, VLAN, 128-bit AES secure key for the LiFi link, captive portal.

Unparalleled speed

Our solutions deliver up to 5 Gbps point-to-point, which is the ideal solution for massive V2I data download applications.

Indoor geolocation with remarkable accuracy

LiFi is an ideal solution for indoor geolocation with centimeter accuracy of your robots and your machines.

Use cases

Industry & Transportation LiFi

Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I)

Machine to Machine

Industrial IoT

Our Products


A complete Industry & Transport range, meeting the highest level of
requirements in terms of throughput, safety and precision. Launch
planned for September 2023.


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